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Tronc Commun - UE-M-MILES-MTh : Master Thesis


The objective is to address a current or recent issue in management from an academic or professional perspective, thus contributing to the study, analysis, formalization and abstraction of the identified problem or issue as they are related to supply chain, lean or project management. This requires students to develop a wide range of capabilities by drawing knowledge from both the academic and professional literature, as well as from the various master courses.

Objectifs pédagogiques

This academic exercise has a general objective, as well as some specific objectives.

The general objective is to further develop the student’s learning and critical thinking capabilities with respect to a specific management and/or engineering issue. For students doing an internship, the aim is also to enable them to put into practice the knowledge that they acquired during their coursework. It should be an opportunity for them to contribute to solving a major business problem.



The specific objectives consider knowledge, skills and personal capabilities:

Regarding the knowledge and skills related to an issue, the aim is:

  • to master certain managerial theories, concepts and practices, either in a management domain or at the cross-roads of related domains (which may call for a certain scientific interdisciplinarity).

The main personal capabilities consist in developing the ability:

  • to identify, analyze and understand different scientific contributions related to a specific management problem;
  • to adopt a global approach and to develop one's critical thinking with respect to the state of knowledge in the relevant field;
  • to base operational decisions on solid theoretical knowledge.

Unités constitutives

Enseignement Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'enseignement Volume horaire Responsables Lien Campus
MOD-M-Miles-MasThe Master Thesis Tronc Commun 12 Matthieu LAURAS

12 heures en présentiel
réparties en:
  • Encadrement face à face de Mémoire, Etude, Projet : 6
  • Cours Magistraux : 6

750 heures de travail personnel estimé pour l’étudiant.

effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Pour les élèves du diplômeManagement of International Lean and Supply chain projects

All modules of the master.

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade européen

Pour les élèves du diplômeManagement of International Lean and Supply chain projects

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

Defense and manuscript. 

L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10 et aucune Note finaledes Modules <10
  • Crédits ECTS acquis : 30 ECTS

La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

Programme détaillé

The concept

The dissertation must include the "state of the art" (literature review) of the topic under study. In other words, it should present a critical summary of extant research on the subject. It should also formalize the conceptual model of the studied problem, present a methodology, analyse and discuss the problem and any achieved results / recommendations, before finally drawing some conclusion that should include limitations and possible further studies.

It is obvious that an internship-based dissertation should contain more practical issues than a pure theoretical dissertation.


The dissertation should be considered a useful way of providing information that highlights:

  • the main contributions in the domain;
  • the contradictions that may exist on the theme;
  • the limits and the richness of the knowledge and conclusions of previous research;
  • the lessons that a manager might learn for his or her professional practice;
  • the conclusion, if and where appropriate, that not much is known about the subject and that further research is required.


Research themes and questions

Students choose the theme of their dissertation. It must, however, be related to a subject that falls within the scope of the issues in line with the MSc SCALE program, and must be validated by the Academic supervisor assigned to each student. The academic supervisor is a member of the TBS or Mines Albi faculty.


The Academic supervisor may suggest possible directions for the dissertation.


General principles:

  • The problem under study must be important (the domain should have clear and crucial implications for management and deserves the time and effort to be devoted to it).
  • The problem and the limits of its study must be clearly defined.
  • The third semester of the MSc program is devoted to the dissertation. During this semester, students can do an internship of a maximum of 6 months, The internship can be done in any manufacturing, service or consulting firm in France and abroad. The size of the firm does not matter; what matters is the importance and relevance of the mission.
  • An appropriate balance should be found between the theoretical and practical contents depending on whether the dissertation is internship-based.

Mots clés

Master Thesis, Research Study, Bibliography, Disertation, Defense

Méthodes pédagogiques

Individual coaching
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