1. Recalls of elastic beam theory (MSFMP1-MMFR)
2. Elastic-plastic beam theory, ,
3. Anisotropic plastic behaviour modelling,
4. Visco-plastic behaviour modelling,
5. Elastic and elastic-plastic damage modelling,
6. Forming limit diagram for sheet
7. Thermo-Elastic behaviour modelling and thermo-mechanical coupling
Objectifs pédagogiques
By the end of the module, the student should be able to understand and master:
• Aanalytical mechanical models for bending metal sheets with elastoplastic behavior
• Elastic-plastic behavior models (Prandt-Reuss) for isotropic (Von Mises, Tresca) or anisotropic (Hill,…) yield surface, yield surface evolution, plastic flow (Levy, Prager), hardening laws (Hollomon, Ludwick, Krupkowsky) and viscoplastic (additive, multiplicative: Jonhson-Cook) laws for numerical simulation of metallic parts (sheet, bulk) processses.
• Mechanical damage models (effective stress, triaxial ratio, Jonhson-Cook, ) for part machining numerical simulation and forming limit diagrams (FLD) for sheet metal forming processes numerical simulation
- Evaluation des connaissances et capacités : DS, QCM : 1.5
- Cours Magistraux : 10.5
Diplôme(s) concerné(s)
UE de rattachement
- UE-MS-AMPAS-MSFMP : Metallic Structure Forming and Machinining Processes - MSFMP
Format des notes
Numérique sur 20Pour les élèves du diplômeAdvanced Manufacturing Processes for Aeronautical and Space Structures
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Max entre les deux notes écrêté à une note seuil)Le coefficient de l'enseignement est : 1.5
Programme détaillé
8 lectures with study case examples, 2 tutorials session
Learning assessment methods:
• Homework study case report (30 %)
• Online Quiz with Moodle (70 %)