v2.11.0 (5768)

Option - MOD-IFIE3-I-S.SIMS-C1 : Cours et TP avancés : Surfaces, Interfaces & métallurgies structurales (Métalliques)


The link between the different sessions is the 'industrial life' of metal alloys from their development to the irreversible in service damage. Forging of simple geometry pieces is performed in a research laboratory of a company that design, melt and process special steels, superalloys, aluminium alloys and titanium alloys. Several forging parameters are modified (strain rate, heat treatment, one or more steps to obtain the final geometry, etc ...) and the students leave the company with the prepared samples at the end of the day. Microstructure of the samples are then prepared (metallography) and observed at different scales (microscopy). The differents links between the observed microstructure and chemical composition, solidification conditions and forging parameters are discussed. Other sessions deal with the heat treatment (diffusion in a binary alloy) as well as surface treatments of different metal alloys. After the elaboration process, shaping and heat treatments alloys are then characterised : Tribology properties are determined and discussed for mechanical aspects, rugosimetry at a micron scale for the surface geometry (related to the wear degradation) and finally after the performance of X-Ray Diffraction experiments and optical as well as electronic microscope observations, the determined phases are analysed in relation with the heat treatment (morphology, homogeneity throughout the volume,') and compared to the phase diagram

Objectifs pédagogiques

Using a series of practical work, the major goal is to illustrate a theoritical knowledge taught in metallurgy and materials science courses. The work is performed in the presence of a small group of at most 4 students (2 pairs). This allows time on the one hand to manipulate metal alloys (nickel base last year, aluminum base this year) and secondly to interact with teachers and to look for solutions to problems related to industrial applications.

31.5 heures en présentiel
réparties en:
  • Evaluation des connaissances et capacités : DS, QCM : 1.5
  • Cours Magistraux : 6
  • Travaux Pratiques, Ateliers : 24

48 heures de travail personnel estimé pour l’étudiant.

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Pour les élèves du diplômeDiplôme d'Ingénieur IMT Mines Albi

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Max entre les deux notes écrêté à une note seuil)

    Le coefficient de l'enseignement est : 2

    Programme détaillé

    Teaching Methods : Practical works with two conferences that cover the various stages of shaping metal alloys.
    Conferences (5h) and practical works (35h)
    After a presentation of the different steps for manufacturing and shaping the considered alloy in the company laboratory, the different samples are forged with the technical assistance of the staff of the company. Then, 7 sessions (3h or 4h each) of practical works is proposed beginning with a metallography training. The other sessions are performed during two following weeks. 7 half-days are left free to prepare a short report for each session and secondly to prepare an oral report dealing with a characterization method of metallic materials selected by every student teams (with prior approval of the teachers) which is not studied during the training period.
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