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Tronc Commun - UE-M-MILES-ENM : Enterprise & Network Management

Illustration de la fiche


Discovering the basics of management in an international context, including Strategy, Accountability, Network Management, Information Systems and Global and International Project Management. 

Objectifs pédagogiques

Course 4.1 : Introduction to Network Management

  • Have a clear vision of what a Supply Chain is and what Supply Chain Management includes
  • Understand the bullwhip effect is and what are the levers that can be used to reduce its impact
  • Understand how the value of a product is built through a SCM perspective, importance of collaboration, planning, lead-time reduction and risk management
  • Understand the challenges and stakes of SCM and be able to assess the value of each course of the MSc regarding them

Course 4.2 : Accounting and Finance Management

  • Understand the use and the meaning of financial statements.
  • Be able to take better decisions based on cost calculation.
  • Be able to create a good performance report

Course 4.3 : Strategy

  • Understand the basis of a business strategy
  • Be able to create a competitive advantage thanks to supply chain

Course 4.4 : Collaborative Project Management

  • Have a good understanding of project control: purpose, organization and structure within project management
  • Apply relevant tools to effectively control a project
  • Understand and implement risk management tools and methodology in a project
  • Understand cultures differences impacts in project's success and how to implement an impact reduction methodology  

Unités constitutives

Enseignement Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'enseignement Volume horaire Responsables Lien Campus
MOD-M-Miles-Accou Accounting - Business and Finance Tronc Commun 12 Loïc GATÉ
MOD-M-Miles-CollaProj Collaborative Project Tronc Commun 18 Anne-Marie BARTHE-DELANOË
MOD-M-Miles-DataScie Data Sciences Tronc Commun 15 Anne-Marie BARTHE-DELANOË
MOD-M-Miles-InToSCM Introduction to SCM Tronc Commun 6 Anne-Marie BARTHE-DELANOË
MOD-M-Miles-InterTrade International Trade Tronc Commun 12 Matthieu LAURAS

45 heures en présentiel
réparties en:
  • Travail en Autonomie programmé à l'EDT : 45
  • Cours Magistraux : 45

150 heures de travail personnel estimé pour l’étudiant.

effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Pour les élèves du diplômeManagement of International Lean and Supply chain projects


Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade européen

Pour les élèves du diplômeManagement of International Lean and Supply chain projects

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

MCQ Test

Group Case studies

individual Exams

L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10 et aucune Note finaledes Modules <10
  • Crédits ECTS acquis : 10 ECTS

La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

Programme détaillé

Course 4.1 : Introduction to Network Management

Course 4.2 : Accounting and Finance Management

Course 4.3 : Strategy

Course 4.4 : Collaborative Project Management

Mots clés

Strategy, Collaborative Network, Collaborative Project, Accounting, Finance

Méthodes pédagogiques

Face-to-Face sessions, Non Face-to-Face sessions, Exercices, Use Cases

Support pédagogique multimédia


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